June 15, 2024
Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly
3145 Gladwin Road
10am - 2pm
Last Day to order :
June 9, 2024
June 8, 2024
Mission Secondary
at the Bus Loop off Grand St.
10am - 2pm
Last Day to order :
June 8, 2024
Chilliwack Alliance
Church - 8700 Young Road
10am -2pm
June 2, 2024
June 8, 2024
Langley Mall Parking Lot
5501 204 St. and Douglas Cres.
10am - 1pm
June 2, 2024
June 15, 2024
Salvation Army Harvest Community Church
(Nelson Ave)
8:30am - 12pm
Last Day to order :
June 9, 2024
June 15, 2024
Canadian Tire
1200 Sequin Drive, Coquitlam
(Corner of Lougheed Hwy &
King Edward Street)
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Last Day to order :
June 9, 2024
When you place your order, you can select any one of the 5 locations for pickup. These locations are NOT INTERCHANGEABLE as we will have your berries at the location you selected.
Small Pail
11 pounds
Large Pail
30 pounds

If you would like more information about our strawberry sales, please contact us at strawberries.sale@gmail.com
Refund Policy
By placing an order you agree to:
1) Pick up your order on the designated date, time and location specified.
2) There will be NO REFUNDS on unclaimed/forgotten products.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Do the strawberries have sugar or water?
A. No, the strawberries are cleaned cut strawberries packed in their own juice. No Sugar or Water added.
Q. Do we need a confirmation number to pick up our berries?
A. Our database is sorted by last name, so a confirmation number is not required. However, if you place your order online and have a valid e-mail address, you will receive a confirmation e-mail which you can print for your records.
Q. Can you deliver the berries we order to us directly?
A. Sorry we are not able to do this, as we do not have the resources available.
Q. Can someone else pick up our berries for us?
A. Yes, absolutely. Just make sure they know the name and phone number and if possible your confirmation number where berries were ordered under.
Q. What happens if we forget to pick up our berries?
A. We make every effort to contact you on the date of pick up if you haven't picked up your berries by early afternoon. To help us contact you please be sure to provide us with all your contact information. We will leave messages on your answering machine, however, if you do not show up, we are not able to hold your berries or refund you the money paid.
Q. What happens to unclaimed berries?
A. As this is a fresh product any unclaimed berries are sold off at the end of the day.
Q. Where is the money spent?
A. The monies raised are used in local community projects with a focus on youth, literacy, health and poverty.
Q. Where do I pick up and what time?
A. Please note that our pick-up days are SATURDAY - Times may vary based on location.
The pick-up dates and locations are listed below. When you place your order, you can select any one of the 6 locations for pick up. These locations are NOT interchangeable as we will have your berries at the location you selected.
ABBOTSFORD: Abbotsford Pentecostal Assembly - 3145 Gladwin Rd, Abbotsford, BC - JUNE 15, 2024 from - 10 am - 2 pm
TRI-CITIES: Canadian Tire - 1200 Sequin Drive, Coquitlam- JUNE 15, 2024 from - 11 am - 2 pm
MISSION: Mission Secondary - At the Bus Loop off Grand Street 32939 7th Ave Mission BC - JUNE 8, 2024 from - 10 am - 2 pm
BURNABY: Salvation Army - 6125 Nelson Ave, Burnaby BC- JUNE 15, 2024 from - NEW times 8:30 am-12:00 pm
CHILLIWACK: Chilliwack Alliance Church - 8700 Young Rd, Chilliwack, BC - JUNE 8 , 2024 from 10 am- 2 pm
LANGLEY: Langley Mall - McFrugal's Parking Lot - 5501 204th Street and the Corner of Douglas Cres. Langley BC - JUNE 8, 2024 from NEW times 10 am - 1 pm
Q. Do you want the containers back?
A. No
Q. How do we pay?
A. You may pay with a credit card.
Telephone = Credit Card (Visa or MasterCard) *all phone orders are subject to a $5.00 service fee
Q. Why did you add a $5.00 Service Fee for all phone orders?
A. We had to add a $5.00 service fee to all phone order to off set the increasing costs for that service.
Q. Why don't you have other berries? i.e. raspberries, blueberries?
A. This is an option we may explore in the future, however not available at this time.
Q. Are the berries organic?
A. No. The cost of organic berries is prohibitive and we cannot guaranteed a sufficient supply for our sale.
Q. Can we pick up on a different date?
A. Our resources are very limited and as such the date you choose to pick up is the date you commit to. There are no opportunities to change the pick-up dates or times.
Q. Why do you need the number on my credit card?
A. This number is required by the secure server in order to process your order online.
Q. Why do you need my e-mail address and my mailing address?
A. Your personal information is used to send out information about our sale only. We do not use it for any other purpose and do not make it available to third parties. Your e-mail is also used to send a reminder to pick-up your order.